

미모사 꽃에서 영감을 얻어 작은 꽃봉오리의 세련된 아름다움을 정교하게 재현한 Mimosa 컬렉션은 여성적 본질을 표현하는 독특하면서도 우아한 주얼리입니다.

Jessica Chastain Damiani MimosaJessica Chastain Damiani Mimosa

이 컬렉션의 모든 링 아이템은 작은 예술 작품입니다. 순수한 젬스톤으로 채워진 모자이크 모티프를 교대로 공간을 비우거나 채워 배치함으로써 다양한 볼륨감을 제공하고 가벼우면서도 고급스러움을 잃지 않는 스타일을 연출합니다.

Ring in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opalRing in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opal
Ring in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opal
Ring in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coralRing in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coral
Ring in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coral
Necklace in white gold and diamondsNecklace in white gold and diamonds
Necklace in white gold and diamonds
Pendant in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opalPendant in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opal
Pendant in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opal
Necklace in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coralNecklace in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coral
Necklace in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coral
White gold necklace with 372 brilliant diamonds 21.90 caratWhite gold necklace with 372 brilliant diamonds 21.90 carat
White gold necklace with 372 brilliant diamonds 21.90 carat
76.10 carat rose gold necklace with 2.95 carat rosecut diamonds, 431 brown diamonds 25.83 carat and a 40.77-carat Morganite76.10 carat rose gold necklace with 2.95 carat rosecut diamonds, 431 brown diamonds 25.83 carat and a 40.77-carat Morganite
76.10 carat rose gold necklace with 2.95 carat rosecut diamonds, 431 brown diamonds 25.83 carat and a 40.77-carat Morganite
1370 diamonds of different colours set in white gold: 219 brilliant white diamonds, 360 brown diamonds and 295 fancy yellow diamonds 1370 diamonds of different colours set in white gold: 219 brilliant white diamonds, 360 brown diamonds and 295 fancy yellow diamonds
1370 diamonds of different colours set in white gold: 219 brilliant white diamonds, 360 brown diamonds and 295 fancy yellow diamonds
Necklace in white gold with 226 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than  caratNecklace in white gold with 226 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than  carat
Necklace in white gold with 226 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than carat


화려한 꿈의 세계를 연속적이고 여성스러운 디자인 요소로 강조하여 형상화합니다.


우아한 최고급 젬스톤이 미묘한 모티프를 그리며 이 볼륨감 있는 걸작품에 우아함을 더해줍니다.

Earrings in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opalEarrings in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opal
Earrings in white gold, multicolor sapphires, emeralds and opal
Earrings in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coralEarrings in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coral
Earrings in pink gold, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires and Mediterranean coral
Earrings in white gold with 50 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than 11 caratEarrings in white gold with 50 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than 11 carat
Earrings in white gold with 50 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than 11 carat
White gold earrings with 7.92-carat brilliant diamondsWhite gold earrings with 7.92-carat brilliant diamonds
White gold earrings with 7.92-carat brilliant diamonds
76.10-carat rose gold earrings with 2.53-carat rosecut diamonds, 10.87-carat brown diamonds and a 47.93-carat morganite76.10-carat rose gold earrings with 2.53-carat rosecut diamonds, 10.87-carat brown diamonds and a 47.93-carat morganite
76.10-carat rose gold earrings with 2.53-carat rosecut diamonds, 10.87-carat brown diamonds and a 47.93-carat morganite
Earrings in white gold, diamonds and aquamarineEarrings in white gold, diamonds and aquamarine
Earrings in white gold, diamonds and aquamarine
Bracelet in white gold and diamondsBracelet in white gold and diamonds
Bracelet in white gold and diamonds
Bracelet in white gold with 104 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than 26 caratBracelet in white gold with 104 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than 26 carat
Bracelet in white gold with 104 round cut diamonds, for a total weight of more than 26 carat


White gold and diamonds give life to a precious and unique creation that expresses elegance and style.


Thanks to their sublime beauty, Mimosa watches express and preserve precious and unforgettable moments.

Watch in white gold, diamonds and sapphiresWatch in white gold, diamonds and sapphires
Watch in white gold, diamonds and sapphires
Watch in white gold and diamondsWatch in white gold and diamonds
Watch in white gold and diamonds
Watch in white gold and diamondsWatch in white gold and diamonds
Watch in white gold and diamonds


다미아니가 “매혹적인 혼돈”으로 정의한 고유의 세팅 기법을 활용하여, 총 110캐럿에 달하는 1,370개의 다이아몬드가 반짝이는 은하수처럼 다양한 톤으로 찬란하게 빛납니다.

화이트 골드, 브라운 팬시 다이아몬드로 제작한 Vulcania 네크리스는 2013년 Bazaar Jewelry China 어워드에서 최고의 주얼리 상을 받은 작품입니다.

무료 배송

모든 주문 시 표준 배송비 무료.

선물 포장

모든 다미아니 주얼리는 상징적인 다미아니 선물 상자에 담아드립니다.

전담 고객 서비스

다미아니는 전담 서비스와 보증을 제공합니다.

무료 각인 서비스

나만의 특별한 다미아니 주얼리를 만들어보세요.

다미아니 고객센터에서 문의사항에 대한 맞춤 상담을받아보세요

가장 가까운 다미아니 부티크를 찾아담당 직원을 만나보세요